Tuesday, May 12, 2015

ant -f pluginregistration.xml register | command not found

1. Make sure you system has APACHE ANT is installed.
       If NOT
                 a.  Download APACHE ANT zip file. Unzip it and set the following environment variables
                 b. ANT_HOME=Directory where the ANT files are placed
                 c. PARH=ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
2. Set other environment variables.
3. Make sure all the variables have respective values in ant.properties file in plugins_utility directory.
                a. Uncomment all the variables and set the respective values.

                    Take backup of original ant.properties file.
                    vi ant.properties
                    Replace the parameters below
                b. Make sure OIM_HOME has value as .../Oracle_IDM1/server
4. Execute the command again.

Replace backward slash \ in a string JAVA

To Replace a backward slash   \   in a JAVA string, use the following way:

String sample= "This is so fluffy\ I am gonna die\";

sample.replaceAll("\\\\", "new replacing characters");