Monday, September 8, 2014

Request Details OIM SOA BPEL cannot be seen

Request Details page in OIM self service appears when you click on a pending approval request in the inbox. Remember that this page goes over the SSL link to OIM. 

If you cannot see the details, there might be various reasons for this as listed below:

1. Port 14001 is not open in one of the firewalls.

         Make sure you can access OIM self service with FQDN as follows: or
                                                           OR or                                                                      (proxied URIs)

2. The Single Sign On URL or any Front End URL used to access OIM is not configured at the following location:
Enterprise Manager > SOA > soa-infra (soa_server_1) > BPEL process > Approval Task > Administration
        Application Name : worklist
        Host Name: Front End URL that is used to access OIM self service (from step 1)
        HTTP port: 80/14000
        HTTPs port: 443/14001
        URI: /identity/faces/adf.task-flow?_id=ApprovalTask_TaskFlow&_document=WEB-INF/ApprovalTask_TaskFlow.xml

3. OHS server does not have the OIM SSL certificate.
         Import the certificate in OHS server.

 You have to access OIM self service with URL that includes domain and port as well to see the request details.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Running Design Console from local machine

Error while executing xlclient.cmd:

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/ejb/CreateException
 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Component.isCoalesceEventsOverriden(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Component.access$500(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Component$ Source)
 at java.awt.Component$ Source)
 at Method)
 at java.awt.Component.checkCoalescing(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Component.(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Container.(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Window.(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Frame.(Unknown Source)
 at java.awt.Frame.(Unknown Source)
 at javax.swing.JFrame.(Unknown Source)
 at com.thortech.xl.gui.base.tcFrame.(
 at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.(
 at com.thortech.xl.client.base.tcAppWindow.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.ejb.CreateException


See if the jar files have there classes in them. This can be a file transfer issue.

Make sure you have copied jrf-api.jar in designconsole\ext directory and added that path to classpath.bat file.

Make sure you have in designconsole\ext directory.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

IAM-0080001 : An error occurred while executing the kernel event handler..

Orchestration process with id 52267, failed with error message IAM-0080001 : An error occurred while executing the kernel event handler..

Can Not Execute userManager.modify method....

This is because.. You are trying to update a UDF (e.g. using an external standalone java code) with a value of a type different than that of the UDF's.
That is why it can not execute the kernel event handler.


oracle.iam.platform.kernel.ValidationFailedException: IAM-3056160:Modify User Profile request cannot set or change attribute

Can Not Execute userManager.modify method....

This is because You are trying to update a UDF with a wrong field name.

To update or modify user organization in OIM,
filed name is "act_key" and not "lov_ds_act_key".
(Also, act_key is of 'long' data type. You will have to give key of the organization to this field lable to update the organization for any user in OIM).

Thursday, June 5, 2014

JBO-25058: Definition of attribute-name__c of type Attribute is not found in UserVO

If you see this error, which pops up in oim console, then you might not have added the custom UDF in the other forms such as CREATE, VIEW and MODIFY user forms.

And don't forget to restart OIM :)