Tuesday, May 12, 2015

ant -f pluginregistration.xml register | command not found

1. Make sure you system has APACHE ANT is installed.
       If NOT
                 a.  Download APACHE ANT zip file. Unzip it and set the following environment variables
                 b. ANT_HOME=Directory where the ANT files are placed
                 c. PARH=ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
2. Set other environment variables.
3. Make sure all the variables have respective values in ant.properties file in plugins_utility directory.
                a. Uncomment all the variables and set the respective values.

                    Take backup of original ant.properties file.
                    vi ant.properties
                    Replace the parameters below
                b. Make sure OIM_HOME has value as .../Oracle_IDM1/server
4. Execute the command again.

Replace backward slash \ in a string JAVA

To Replace a backward slash   \   in a JAVA string, use the following way:

String sample= "This is so fluffy\ I am gonna die\";

sample.replaceAll("\\\\", "new replacing characters");

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Import Sandbox Failed OIM

There could be either of the following reasons:

1. Invalid content in a Sandbox xml file.
2. Corrupt Sandbox xml file.
3. Mismatching format/font for added content in a Sandbox xml file.
4. Renamed Sandbox zip file or other Sandbox xml file, etc.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

System Validation Pending Assigned to System Administrator [‏XELSYSADM‏] OIM Provisioning Application Instance

Mostly this is a Siebel Connector Issue. Occured during manual provisioning as well as RBAC.

This error is encountered when Admin tries to provision a user in Siebel Target Application. It occurs because the pre populate adapters do not populate the user information on the process form.

Siebel Connector comes with a rule (user organization=Xellerate Users). And when prepopluation fields are configured on Process Form this rule is selected by default.

So to resolve the mentioned error, go to Form Designer > Respective Process form > PrePopulation Tab > Select each field configured there... and change the rule to "Default".

Now, manual provisioning as well as RBAC will work for the respective application instance.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Updating oracle.iam.ui.view.war file in Weblogic Deployments | OIM

Updating the war file in weblogic deployments involve following steps: 

- Modify the war file.
- Do not extract the content of the file at any cost. Do not use unzip-zip or jar -xvf/cvf commands.
- Use winRAR archiver to explore/update/delete the content of the file.
- If you wish to update (edit) a file in winRAR, do not remove and edit the file; instead you can edit it in the winRAR itself.
- After updating the oracle.iam.ui.view.war, place that file in the required location on both the OIM servers.
- Go to weblogic console > deployments. Check oracle.iam.ui.view.war file and select Update.
- Check both self-service.ear and sysadmin.ear files, when it asks for re-installation to make use of the updated library (oracle.iam.view.war).
-  After completing the update process, activate the changes.
- Though oracle says "Changes are activated and no restart is necessary", you will have to restart OIM servers.
- Now your changes must be in effect.


oracle.iam.ui.view.war file needs to be updated for any customization related to front end consoles.

Customizations related to:
1. Introducing an image on any page
2. Editting Forgot Password/ Forgot ID flows, etc.


Jar commands like jar -cvf and jar -xvf commands can be used to modify oracle.iam.ui.custom-dev-starter-pack.war without any issues. But use the winRAR or 7zip for safe modification.
However, if used for oracle.iam.ui.view.war file, the size may shrink and the process may change its manifest file to wipe out version information. This can create issues for the applications oracle.iam.consoles.identity.self-service.ear and oracle.iam.consoles.identity.sysadmin.ear.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Request Details OIM SOA BPEL cannot be seen

When user requests a role or any entity from catalog for other user, after submitting, request status goes to Request Failed with the following message:

IAM-2050014 : An error occurred while initiating approvals for request 00000. The corresponding error message is java.lang.RuntimeException: Caller doesn't have enough permission to call this method.


In Enterprise Manager,

Go to OIMDomain > MBean Browser > Application Defined MBeans > oracle.iam > server: oim_server1 > Application: oim > XMLConfig > Config > XMLConfig.SOAConfig > SOAConfig > username

In OID, give appropriate permission to this user (eg. weblogic_idm) and make sure that the user is a part of Administrators Group*.

* >> (**just for reference**)
In enterprise manager if you go to >>> Weblogic Domain > OIMDomain > security > Application Roles > (Select soa-infra in Application Stripe) search 
 ....for SOAAdmin SOAOperator and SOAMonitor, you can find Administrators Group in the membership * 


if you approve the request and entity does not show up in the user profile: check the OIMFrontEndURL in Enterprise Manager. It should be a server URL and not any load balancer or proxy url.
